The change of era we are living through is shaking all levels of our life. The most urgent among the immense challenges facing humanity at this time is to restore the conditions of life on planet Earth. Otherwise, there is no future for our common home. Environmental imbalance, with its effects on the lives of human beings, especially the poorest, touches the hearts of those of us who want to contribute to a world that is more just. The Society of Jesus – Jesuits and those who share the mission of reconciliation and justice – feels it has a responsibility to contribute and to leave to the future generations a living environment in which to breathe clean air, have access to uncontaminated water and enjoy the fabulous diversity of creation.
We want to follow the example of Pope Francis. Inspired by his commitment to the gospel, in his encyclical Laudato si’, he made a call heard in all parts of the world and by all people of good will, to listen to the cry of the earth. The Society of Jesus, invited to renew its spiritual and apostolic life, wants to find in the Good News of Jesus Christ the strength to increase its involvement in the care of our common home.
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Caring for our Common Home nourishes Hope,
Jesuits 2024,
the example of Pope Francis