As a result of and continuation of the Symposium on the Mystagogies of the Exercises 500 years later (June 2022), the Spirituality Centre of the Cova Sant Ignasi (CIEI), the Ignatian School of Spirituality (EIDES) and an Intercontinental Committee have taken the task of convening a biennial Symposium on a specific issue related to Ignatian practice. The theme chosen for next June 2024 (10th to 16th) is how the experience of the Exercises can promote an awareness and a change in attitude towards the ecological crisis. Through speakers from various parts of the world who are engaged in this field and who have reflected on the spiritual experience it entails, we will study the Four Weeks of the Exercises in order to explore the potential they contain to respond to this challenge.
The Symposium is aimed primarily at those who accompany the Exercises, have responsibilities in the formation of Ignatian spirituality or direct Retreat Centres and Houses of Spirituality.
General objectives
- To deepen the notion of Creation of which we are a part, because all creatures come from the inner-womb of God.
- To realize that our relationship with God is inseparable from caring for others and nature.
- To become aware that we are all responsible for taking care of the Common House that is the Earth and that we must make a path of reconciliation with it, all of which implies deep changes in our lifestyle.
- To discover that following the poor and humble Jesus entails a certain lifestyle that has an impact on our relationship with nature.
- To become aware of the pain and passion of Creation as well as the passion and persecution that certain peoples and populations suffer due to the spoliation of the planet and the commitment that this implies.
- To become aware of the importance of food because it has direct repercussions on the way we access products and treat other beings.
- To create a consensus on a certain style and ecological commitments in our Spirituality Centres and Exercise Houses.
Language: Symposium languages will be Spanish and English with simultaneous translation of both languages.
Timetable and Schedule:
- Tuesday 11,Wednesday 12,Thursday 13, Friday 14 and Saturday 15 June 2024
- 9:30 am a 1:30 pm Manresa (Spain)
- CEST (Central European Summer Time) /UTC +2
Cost: 100 euros
This registration is non-refundable
Online registration gives access to the live broadcast of the Symposium presentations and communications on 11, 12, 13,14 and 15 June 2024 from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, CEST (Central European Summer Time) / UTC +2, as well as access to the recordings of the same to access them later (in case of not being able to connect live).
Register here
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Tags: Ignatian spirituality and ecological conversion, Spiritual Exercises and Ecological conversion