To promote interfaith climate action, faith communities came together to host the first-ever robust Faith Pavilion at a UN climate conference, COP28. The Faith Pavilion featured 65 sessions and 325 speakers, and took place at COP28, the UN climate conference that concluded last week in Dubai, UAE. Among the speakers were Pope Francis (via video), Sadhguru, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the Grand Imam of Al Azar El Tayeb (via video), and Chief Rabbi David Rosen.

The first chapter of Genesis records that after creating the world, God saw creation and ‘behold it was very good.’ Out of our love for this wondrous and majestic world that we are blessed to live in can emerge a call to protect it and take responsibility for it. You can read Yonatan Neri’s eco-Bible for a new Jewish take on planet and faith.




The Faith Pavilion mobilized faith leaders and communities to call for urgent climate action, inspire the world with solutions, and demonstrate the pivotal role of faith communities in tackling the climate crisis in support of people and the planet. During COP28, faith communities issued a Call to Action urging for more ambitious agreements, reflecting the values of justice, interconnectedness and compassion for those most affected.


Faith Pavilion at COP28

Faith Pavilion at COP28


Faith Pavilion at COP28

Faith Pavilion at COP28

Situated at the heart of COP28, adjacent to the Global Climate Action Hub, the Faith Pavilion brought together religious and other civil society representatives, Indigenous Peoples, scientists, youth, and political leaders. As a hub for sessions, advocacy and media, the Faith Pavilion furthered the leadership role of religion and spirituality in the climate movement.


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Tags: Faith Pavilion, Global Climate Action Hu, Yonatan Neri's eco-Bible