Message to Parties, Observer States and Observer Organizations
Ensuring transparent and inclusive access to negotiation rooms by all Parties and, where applicable, observers in compliance with COVID-19 measures
The secretariat refers to the COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference and would like to indicate that as highlighted on the UNFCCC COP 26 website, a comprehensive set of COVID-19 mitigation measures is being implemented at the conference premises to make the conference as safe as possible for all participants.
With reference to the message sent on 29 October 2021, whereby a ticketing system had been proposed, we have received feedback from Parties and in consultation with the UK Presidency, the ticketing system has been put on hold.
The secretariat has made all efforts and examined all options to find an alternative solution that will provide access to the meeting rooms to all Parties, as well as making sure that observers have seats in the rooms where applicable.
After re-assessing room capacity, the secretariat has come up with an initial measure for Monday, 1 November 2021 which consists on the participation of only one delegate per Party for each meeting room. We appeal to your understanding and flexibility to allow this measure to be tested in consideration of these exceptional circumstances.
For the virtually connected rooms with a two-way communication system, there will be the possibility for additional participants to attend the meeting from the parallel room, in which at least one representative from each NGO constituency will have a seat.
For those participants wishing to follow any of the meetings, they will be able to do so through the virtual platform. Help desk and ICT staff will be available to access the platform.
Based on the feedback from this arrangement on Monday 1 November as described above, the secretariat will assess the necessity to further enhance and adapt this approach.
The secretariat is committed to keep the integrity of the process and ensure inclusivity and safety of the participants in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Tags: Restrictions on Delegates, Ticketing system for Delegates scrapped