We are excited to have Mary Evelyn Tucker join us as we launch a new initiative at The Well to awaken us to the spirituality of Laudato Si’ as it flows from The Universe Story, and to the ways we can take action for the care of our common home. Mary Evelyn, a leader in the field of religion and ecology, will speak to the essential role of religious leaders at this time of ecological crisis.

Bill McKibben, the climate activist, has called Laudato Si’ “perhaps the most important document yet of this millenium.” That is because it is an eloquent call to action, joining social justice and environmental concerns. Its ecojustice message, “Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor” brings together the suffering of people and planet in a compelling manner. This talk will discuss some of the main influences on the encyclical as well as some of the resulting movements. We will be inspired to take action.

Mary Evelyn Tucker was a member of the Earth Charter drafting committee and the International Earth Charter Council. She is co-director with John Grim of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology. With Brian Thomas Swimme, Tucker and Grim created Journey of the Universe, a multi-media project that includes a book, an Emmy Award winning film on PBS, a podcast series, and free online courses from Yale/Coursera. She is co-author of Thomas Berry: A Biography (2019). Read more.

Program: Ecospirituality and Ecojustice in Laudato Si’
Date: August 16, 2023
Time: 6:30pm CDT (See World Time Buddy for your time zone)
With: Mary Evelyn Tucker
Location: In-person and online
Host: The Well Spirituality Center
Address: 1515 W. Ogden Ave, La Grange Park, IL, USA
Co-sponsored with the Siena Center of Dominican University
Cost: $30
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Tags: Ecospirituality and Ecojustice in Laudato Si, spirituality of Laudato Si, The Well Spirituality Center