The Religious Diversity Centre have put together a four-part webinar series starting 14 June, with an outstanding group of keynote speakers, commentators, and moderators who will deliver action-oriented messages of realism and hope.

14 June Webinar 1 Hope for an Endangered Planet

Keynote: Dr Jane Goodall, DBE. Founder -the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace, author of ‘The Book of Hope, A Survival Guide for an Endangered Planet’ Respondents: Dr Jenny Te Paa Daniel Co-chair RDC Trust Board; and Mandira Shailaj, RDC Youth Leadership Council.

21 June Webinar 2 Hope for Aotearoa New Zealand’s Future

Discussion: Rabbi Dean Shapiro with Drs Jim Salinger, Rod Bell and Alexander Macmillan (experts on Climate, Water, Health) The reality of Climate Change for our nation

28 June Webinar 3 Hope for the Pacific Region

Keynote: Mary Moeano-Kolio, youth leader, Pacific Climate Warriors.
The reality of Climate Change for the Pacific Region Respondents: Adam Currie, campaigner for Generation Zero, Greenpeace, Oil Free Otago; Dr Roro Daniel, former Cook Islands Secretary for Health; Grace Fakahau, Generation 20/20: Agents for Change

5 July Webinar 4 Hope for Our World

Keynote: The Rt Hon Helen Clark, former Prime Minister and administrator of the UN Development Programme, editor of “Climate Aotearoa, what’s happening & what we can do about it”
Respondents: Prof Bronwyn Hayward, University of Canterbury and IPCCC member; Dr Hafsa Ahmed, Lincoln University.

Webinars 1, 3 and 4 will be hosted by Rod Oram, noted journalist and member of the RDC Climate Action Group, and include a panel discussion.

Our faith traditions call us to act justly, tread gently on the earth, and care for one another.

For further information including registration details please go to:


E tū te mana o Te Ao: Building a Climate of Hope

Register for this 4 webinar series here




Tags: Religious Diversity Centre - New Zealand