Endowing a Sustainable World for Future Generations
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
2 PM
Online and in-person
Florida International University
Graham Center 140
Miami, FL
Register for In-Person Event Here
The rights of nature and the rights of future generations are a continuum of rights. The rights of future generations include the right to breathe and have clean air, the right to clean and adequate water and freedom from thirst, the right to healthy food and nutrition, freedom from hunger and disease, the right to a home, to belonging, the right to a stable climate system, and freedom from fear. Since we depend on nature for sustenance, destruction of nature translates into violation of the rights of future generations. A sustainable world for future generations is based on care for the earth and regeneration of her living systems and biodiversity.
Earth Democracy: Sowing the Seeds of Hope and Freedom in Times of Extinction and Collapse
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
7 PM
Coral Gables Congregational United Church of Christ
3010 De Soto Blvd.
Coral Gables, FL, USA
Register for In-Person Event Here
We are facing an existential crisis with multiple emergencies. One million species are threatened with extinction, with 200 going extinct every day. The present path is clearly not sustainable because it is destroying life on earth. The destruction of life and the infrastructure of life are threatening our extinction. Humans too are a threatened species. Earth Democracy is a world view, paradigm and practice that recognizes that the earth is living, we are part of the earth, not separate from her, not her masters. We are interconnected through the living currencies of breath, water, and nourishment. Our freedom is dependent on the freedom of other beings to whom we are related ecologically.
Book signing follows presentation.
Presented by Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs, College of Arts, Sciences & Education and Wolfsonian Public Humanities Lab, in collaboration with Coral Gables Congregational United Church of Christ and Books & Books
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Tags: Conversations with Vandana Shiva, Voices for a Planetary Ethos