Climate change, mass extinction and environmental crises are becoming all too visible for us these days, urging us to take action. At the same time, different views abound on what is really going on and what should be done. What is in the background of these different views? Or to put it in a different way: how can we develop a fruitful view about the challenges that face us?
In this symposium, we want to dive into and clarify the philosophical background of some of these views, and explore their connection with the dharma. For example the ideas on deep ecology from Arne Naes; on the nature of technology; about Gaia theory, the idea that the earth is an organism, or even a being. Such ideas inspired the romantics, and go back to Spinoza and even further.
These and other questions will be explored in the symposium, through talks and discussion. Our aim is not so much to take sides or provide solutions, but to clarify our ideas and come to new understandings.
Wisdom of the Earth: Philosophy and the Climate Crisis
Led by Silavadin, Dhivan + Ketumati
Reception is from 4pm on the day of arrival, with the retreat beginning with supper at 6pm.
While you’re here you will be participating in communal life. This includes meditating with everyone on site in the main shrine room in the morning, taking part in daily tasks and at the end of your retreat you will help us to prepare the retreat centre for the next group to join us.
With this in mind, the retreat will finish after the clear-up, so if traveling on public transport, please book a train after 3pm.
A portion of the payment for this retreat is a non-refundable non-transferable deposit, which for this event is £50.
For Order Members and Mitras
Start Date: 14th Apr 2023
End Date: 17th Apr 2023
Event Type: Residential
Price: Waged/Supported (including deposit) £145 | Unwaged/Unsupported (including deposit) £110
Bursary Fund: Help those who can’t afford to come on retreat
You’re invited to donate to enable individuals experiencing financial hardship to attend events with bursary places.
Bookings: How to book, pay, options, etc, here.
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Tags: Adhistana, Wisdom of the Earth: Philosophy and the Climate Crisis