Microplastics found in human blood for first time: Microplastic pollution has been detected in human blood for the first time, with scientists finding the tiny particles in almost 80% of the people tested. Read more

CBD Side Event | Integrating Human Rights in the Future of Biodiversity Action: This hybrid session was a side-event to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) resumed sessions of the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 24), the third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI 3) and the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (WG2020-3), taking place in Geneva, in March 2022. The side event was organized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, with the support of the Geneva Environment Network. Read more

Both North and South Poles See Unusually High Heat: Temperatures in parts of Antarctica were more than 70 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than average, while temperatures in parts of the Arctic were more than 50 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than average. This is notable because the Arctic is entering its spring, while Antarctica is approaching its autumn. Read more

The War in Ukraine: A Learning Moment for the Global Climate Crisis: Charles McNeill, senior advisor with the UN Environment Programme, discusses his recent presentation to the Bowen Island Rotary Club. Read more

Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change: The Working Group III report provides an updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges, and examines the sources of global emissions. It explains developments in emission reduction and mitigation efforts, assessing the impact of national climate pledges in relation to long-term emissions goals. Read more

Environment @ 49th Session of the UN Human Rights Council: During the session, the Council considered over 100 reports being presented by more than 30 human rights experts and groups. Around 50 country situations and 40 themes were addressed. The record-breaking 5-weeks session adopted 35 resolutions were adopted and appointed 11 mandate holders. A Special Rapporteur on Climate Change and Human Rights was appointed. Read more

Faith Action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals: In September 2020, UNEP’s Faith for Earth Initiative, the Parliament of the World’s Religions, United Religions Initiative, and Bhumi Global published a report to celebrate the five year anniversary of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The report featured data they had collected on faith-based organizations around the world doing work that fell within the scope of the environmental SDGs. Read more

U.N. Wants Faith Groups to Help Work Against Plastic Pollution: NAIROBI, Kenya (CNS) – A senior U.N. official urged religious groups to help reach a global agreement to curb plastic pollution, amid experts warning that single-use or disposable plastics were choking the planet. Inger Andersen, executive director of the U.N. Environment Programme, spoke during the interfaith online dialogue sessions on religion and ecology organized by the U.N. body. Read more

Islamic Society of North America: GREEN RAMADAN The Islamic Society of North America Green Ramadan Campaign 2022 is focussed on Raising Earth Care. Read more

Interfaith Environmental Justice for Changemakers The interdisciplinary and interfaith approach utilized in this six-week class will provide you with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes you will need as global citizens and as members of various faiths or followers of various philosophies to make informed, evidence-based decisions with respect to environmental justice dilemmas. Course starts May 1st. Read more about this course

Inaugural Conference on “Ecological Spiritualities” On April 27-30 2022, Harvard Divinity School’s Program for the Evolution of Spirituality will host its inaugural conference on “Ecological Spiritualities.” The conference will feature presentations and workshops exploring the evolution of earth-based spiritual traditions and highlighting innovative spiritual practices that are emerging in response to the painful realities of climate change, mass extinction, biodiversity loss, and the disruption of local and global ecosystems. Read more about this conference

Judaism: The Promise of the Land – Haggadah Seder An extraordinary contribution to the 21st century Jewish community. The Promise of the Land tells the profoundly Jewish story of our relationship to the land, building a seamless connection between the Seder as we know it and the Seder as a window into the ecology of Jewish lives. Read more

Faith Climate Action Week: Sacred Trust: Our Children’s Right to a Livable Future Faith Climate Action Week is ten days in April during Earth Month when Interfaith Power and Light congregations focus on how we can all take action to protect our climate. The 2022 theme is Sacred Trust: Our Children’s Right to a Livable Future. Read more

Five takeaways from the IPCC’s report on limiting dangerous global heating: The world is on track to overshoot 1.5C warming. Leaving fossil fuels in the ground, changing lifestyles and removing CO2 from the air are needed to fix the climate. The UN’s climate science body has released a major report on ways to curb greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the worst-case warming scenario. Read more

Dharma Dialogue Series Ecosattvas in the Anthropocene: A year-long series of monthly conversations on Buddhist responses to climate change sponsored by Natural Dharma Fellowship. Anyone can join the dialogue series at any time. Read more about this ongoing dialogue


Seven questions we must ask




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