About International Mother Earth Day
In 2009, under the leadership of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the General Assembly designated through a resolution, 22 April as International Mother Earth Day. The first UN General Assembly Resolution on Harmony with Nature was adopted on 21 December 2009.
Loss of biodiversity, desertification, climate change and the disruption of a number of natural cycles are among the costs of our disregard for Nature and the integrity of its ecosystems and life-supporting processes. Scientific studies identified that a number of planetary boundaries are being transgressed and others are at risk being so in a business-as-usual world. Since the industrial revolution, Nature has been treated as a commodity that exists largely for the benefit of people, and environmental problems have been considered solvable through the use of technology. In order to meet the basic needs of a growing population within the limits of the Earth’s finite resources, there is a need to devise a more sustainable model for production, consumption and the economy as a whole. Devising a new world will require a new relationship with the Earth and with humankind’s own existence.
Worship Resources for International Mother Earth Day
Looking for inspiration as you prepare your Earth Day service? Here are some great resources:
Old Turtle by Douglas Wood speaks to the young and young at heart about our sacred relationship with all beings and God. It is a beautiful story that calls us to better love our neighbor—all creatures great and small, human and otherwise.
Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth includes a wealth of essays from spiritual leaders across religious traditions including Vandana Shiva, Joanna Macy, Richard Rohr, and the late Thich Nhat Hanh. It’s a beautiful compilation, full of wisdom and guidance.
The Green Good News: Christ’s Path to a Sustainable and Joyful Life is a beautiful and powerful book by Rev. Dr. Wilson Dickinson. Speaking specifically to a Christian context, this book considers how Christians can create joy, hope, and right relationship by reclaiming the radical love and way of Jesus.
Creation-Crisis Preaching: Ecology, Theology, and the Pulpit by Rev. Dr. Leah Schade speaks specifically to the act of preaching and how those delivering sermons or other reflections can embody our ecological moment. It’s a creative, compelling, practical, and deeply informative text.
These are just a few of the awesome books out there that can help you on your path of caring for creation—and offer teachings to share with your congregation, family, and larger community. We hope they speak to you as they’ve spoken to us!
You may also want to check out Earth Sabbath resources from NCIPL, this webpage and resource from Creation Justice Ministries regarding planning your service in a Christian context, and these resources from our CCA toolkit for creation care (including prayers, liturgy, and hymns from various traditions).
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Worship Resources for International Mother Earth Day service