About this Side Event
Human rights and the environment are inextricably linked and thus require equal respect and protection. In the context of biodiversity, rights over lands, resources, associated traditional knowledge and other rights that can be collectively held and enjoyed are particularly critical.
Draft one of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) commits to applying a rights-based approach to conservation, sustainable use and benefit-sharing of biodiversity to realise the vision of “living in harmony with nature”. The rights-based approach is anchored within the post-2020 GBF’s theory of change and is reinforced in the enabling conditions. The recently adopted resolution 48/13 on the rights to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, by the Human Rights Council, in October 2021, further sets the scene for a rights-based approach by encouraging governments “to adopt policies for the enjoyment of the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment as appropriate, including with respect to biodiversity and ecosystems”.
This side event will draw attention to the importance of human rights in the GBF and create a common understanding of how a human rights-based approach to conservation works in practice. It will also further reflect on how applying a human rights-based approach can help the effective, inclusive and equitable planning and implementation of the framework, as well as the associated monitoring and reporting, prior to the final negotiation of the post-2020 GBF.
Event Details:
Conference: SBSTTA-24 / SBI-03 / WG2020-03
Meetings(s) WG2020-03
Third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Title: Applying a human rights-based approach in the post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Hosts: SwedBio at SRC | FPP | GYBN | ICCA Consortium | IIFB | W4B | UNEP | WWF | Natural Justice | OHCHR | CBD | GEN
Post 2020 Framework
Indigenous peoples and local communities
Gender and Biodiversity
Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Communication, Education and Public Awareness
Protected Areas
Human Rights in Biodiversity Working group: paper
SATURDAY 19 MARCH 2022 | CICG, Room D & Online | 13:15-14:45 CET
Register: (See requirements)
Facebook live streaming: https://www.facebook.com/UNBiodiversity
Youtube live streaming: https://www.youtube.com/user/chmcbd
Tags: CBD Side Event | Applying a Human Rights-based Approach in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework