
Here are our latest updates:


We could use a little more Hinduism in our approach to climate change Hinduism and other dharmic faiths such as Buddhism and Jainism, as well as many global Indigenous and animist traditions, don’t consider humans any more important than other living beings. Hinduism’s central tenet is seeing the divinity in all living beings. Read more


An Evangelical Climate Scientist Wonders What Went Wrong Such is the grimly politicized state of science these days that the descriptors typically used to explain who Katharine Hayhoe is – evangelical Christian; climate scientist – can register as somehow paradoxical. Despite that (or, indeed, because of it), Hayhoe, who is 49 and whose most recent book is “Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World,” has become a sought-after voice for climate activism and a leading advocate for communicating across ideological, political and theological differences. This interview has been edited and condensed from two conversations. Read more (Updated)


Dharma and Ecology Everything on the Earth expresses dharma; how, then, do we live in harmony with dharma and ecology? Listen to the Podcast


IPCC Synthesis Report – Call for Experts The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has opened registration to review the first draft of the Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report. Read about the request


New eco-theology book combines diverse views with best practices A new volume-“Contemporary ecotheology, climate justice and environmental stewardship in the world”-is the latest of the continued fruits of the 6th International Conference on Ecological theology and Environmental Ethics, or Ecothee, which took place in September 2019 at the Orthodox Academy of Crete in Kolymvari. Read more


Mental Health and Our Changing Climate – 2021 edition The American Psychological Association and ecoAmerica are pleased to present Mental Health and Our Changing Climate, a report that chronicles the impacts of climate change on Americans’ mental health and psychological well-being and provides guidance and resources to act and advocate. The report builds on the celebrated 2017 edition to include the latest research and expanded sections on populations disproportionately impacted, climate anxiety, and a spectrum of solutions. Hear the major findings of this report from the authors and to preview the action steps for communities, individuals, practitioners, and policymakers. View the summary


Interfaith Power and Light: A Climate Science Fact Sheet Climate change is already having a profound impact on our nation. For people of faith, this is one of the most urgent moral issues of our time. We are called to love and steward Creation, and to care for the most vulnerable among us, who are most at risk. We have a moral responsibility to leave a safe climate and sustainable environment for our children and future generations. Read more


Tu Bishvat – New Year for Trees For environmentalists, Tu Bishvat is an ancient and authentic Jewish “Earth Day” that educates Jews about the Jewish tradition’s advocacy of responsible stewardship of God’s creation as manifested in ecological activism. Among them, contemporary versions of the Tu Bishvat seder, emphasizing environmentalist concerns, are gaining popularity. Read about the Jewish celebration of Trees


COP26 in 10 Minutes | UN Climate Change
The UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) took place from October 31 – November 13 in Glasgow, United Kingdom and ended with the adoption of the Glasgow Climate Pact. Here’s a summary of some of the conference’s highlights in under 10 minutes. Watch this video


Last Call for Climate Action – Infographics The UN Environment Programme has released three flagship reports to help ensure the latest science is at the fingertips of decision makers – and we are at COP26 to make the case for adequate and acute action now. This infographic aims to make the information more understandable in visual form. See more


Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Receives Accreditation to United Nations Environmental Programme Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Receives Accreditation to United Nations Environmental Programme. Involvement will also give the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese an opportunity to further engage in ecumenical and interfaith dialogue and collaboration through the Faith for Earth Initiative of the UNEP and contribute more substantially with the Orthodox perspective. Read more


‘Real reasons to hope’ on climate action, says archbishop of Canterbury The Archbishop of Canterbury has urged the public not to despair over the climate crisis as he said there are “real reasons to hope” in 2022. Read more


Growing within ourselves and with each other Faith for Climate continues their series of personal reflections from core members of the Faith for the Climate team on their experiences at COP26 as part of our year-end roundup. This final instalment is from our director, Shanon Shah. Shanon works for us part-time, and spends the rest of his working week teaching at the University of London’s Divinity programme, conducting research for the Information Network Focus on Religious Movements (Inform), and writing for Critical Muslim, the flagship publication of the London-based Muslim Institute. Before relocating to London, Shanon worked or volunteered at numerous organisations in his native Malaysia, including the Malaysian AIDS Council, the Centre for Independent Journalism, The Nut Graph, Sisters in Islam, and Amnesty International, and was a multiple award-winning musician and playwright. Read more


Faith, Nature & the Climate Crisis: An Evaluation As we struggle to make sense of the numerous enormities we have foisted on mother Earth, it is becoming evident that they are in fact direct consequences of processes emerging from the evolution of modernity. As we chase after progress and development, not only are we destroying Earth’s systems but in the process harming ourselves by ingesting toxic chemicals into our bodily systems that did not exist at the time of our grandparents. This adds up to a new reality – that we now live in a global village viewing existence as a linear continuum of economic progress going right against the grain of the natural world. Read more


Statement on European Union Proposal to Require Deforestation-Free Products The EU has proposed for a new requirement for imports of goods to be “deforestation-free.” Parliament of the World’s Religions, a founding partner of the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative, supports this proposal as a step in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and much more. Read more


How is life in the sea affected by climate change? Climate change poses a serious threat to life in our seas, including coral reefs and fisheries, with impacts on marine ecosystems, economies and societies, especially those most dependent upon natural resources. The risk posed by climate change can be reduced by limiting global warming to no more than 1.5°C. Read more


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