
Here are our latest updates:

COP26 defined by ‘reinvigorated multilateralism’: The UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), held last month in Glasgow, was defined by a “reinvigorated multilateralism”, a top UN official said on Tuesday during an online discussion on how the summit’s outcomes will impact climate action and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Read more

New Religion & Ecology Online Courses at Yale Forum: These Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) explore the ecological dimensions of the world’s religions. Developed over the course of several years, they draw on a rich variety of lectures, videos, readings, and interviews with scholars, religious leaders, and environmental practitioners from around the world. They highlight religious ideas and practices inspiring ecojustice movements in response to the challenges of the climate emergency, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Read more

Lifting our eyes to the future: As part of our year-end roundup, we’re publishing a series of personal reflections from core members of the Faith for the Climate team on their experiences at COP26. This one’s by our Movement Builder, Rosh Lal. Since joining Faith for the Climate in January, Rosh has brought his gifts, experience and passion in leading our interfaith workshops and capacity-building work, as well as our climate justice campaigns. Rosh also volunteers for Steel City Welcome, a project to resettle a refugee family in Sheffield. Read more

Ministerial Statement Seeks to Phase out Fossil Fuel Subsidies: This statement recognizes that the World Trade Organisation can play a central role in addressing inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, which lead to “wasteful consumption” and put renewable energy and investment in energy efficiency at a disadvantage. The statements’ proponents will develop “concrete options to advance this issue” at the World Trade Organisation ahead of Ministerial Conference 13. Read more

IPCC Assessment of Climate Change Science Finds Many Changes are Irreversible: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s first Working Group has adopted its contribution to the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report. The WG I report assesses the science underpinning climate change and finds many changes are irreversible. The findings are presented in the Working Group’s Summary for Policymakers, which was approved following eleven days of line-by-line negotiations. Read more

TIME FOR LIVING THE CHANGE: Climate-Friendly Lives for People of Faith: Living the Change is where people of different faiths and spiritualities come together to adopt climate-friendly lives. A personal, practical approach to your own climate solution. Reduce your carbon footprint, contribute to fresh air! Read more

Sir David Attenborough at the opening of the UN Climate Change conference: British naturalist – and people’s advocate at COP26 – Sir David Attenborough warned that human actions were causing rising carbon levels in the atmosphere. He said humans also had the capacity to fix this, if they worked together. Sir David said the commitments made by world leaders at the Glasgow conference could have an effect for good. Read more

On the 5th Night of Hanukkah, 5782 ~ Jewish recognition of the Call of the Earth and Climate Change: Rebecca Solnit writes to her friends in Dayenu (the Jewish Climate Change Network): What if we recognized that the only obstacles are political and imaginative? What if we recognized that what is demanded of us is not austerity and sacrifice but giving up poison, giving up injustice, giving up destruction, giving up ugliness, giving up hopelessness, that what stabilizing climate requires of us is nothing less than a better world? Read more

COP26: Was It All Worth It? Canon Giles Goddard. Giles is Vicar of St John’s Church, Waterloo, London, which hosts the annual Waterloo Festival and is closely involved in the South Bank arts scene. St John’s is noted for its work on climate change, inclusion and interfaith relations. Giles is a member of the Church of England’s General Synod and the Environment Working Group. His book, Space for Grace: Creating Inclusive Churches, was published by Canterbury Press, and Giles often contributes articles to Critical Muslim, the flagship quarterly publication of the London-based Muslim Institute. Read more

Great religions safeguarding creation; “The faiths are getting together with the financial world, with the educational world and saying, how can we create partnerships? Where we have the money, we have the influence. We have the structures. We have the means to make a change.”. Read more

Buddhists ordain trees as monks to save forests: Buddhist monks in Cambodia (and in many other places) have taken to ordaining trees as monks in their path. Once ordained, the tree becomes a monk and it is a crime to chop the tree down. Read more

Q&A: GreenFaith’s Fletcher Harper on moral discomfort and changing to address the climate crisis together: Rev. Fletcher Harper is Executive Officer of GreeFaith, a worldwide multifaith organisation dedicated to raising awareness – and action – about Climate Change by faith groups and faith leaders. Here, Rev. Fletcher Harper speaks with Episcopal News Service of the Anglican Communion. Read more


Climate Change Conference 27

Climate Change Conference 27 will be hosted by Egypt on 7-18 November 2022 at Sharm el-Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt.


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