A Prayer for Our Earth

The Laudato ‘si Movement, the Catholic Worker Movement (Glasgow) the Fransciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Justic and Peace (Scotland), St Peter’s Parish and SCIAF have prepared one booklet – A Service in Preparation for COP26, titled A Prayer for Our Earth. It contains hymns, the Canticle of St Francis of Assisi, a Penetential Rite, Committment and several appendices for practical action. You may download this here. A Prayer for Our Earth

A Pictorial View of Interfaith and COP#3 is online.

Earth Vigil: Silence is religiously neutral. Silence in the context of conference is unusual but is a part of all of our faith traditions. We are inviting you to join us whenever you can, for as long as you can. A few are coming from different parts of the UK, and we offer this as a space for silence and reflection. For sharing in the profound act of pausing amidst the melee of the conference. We will be outside so please bring warm, waterproof clothing and you may want to bring something to sit on (camping chairs welcome!). Read more about Earth Vigil here

Brahma Kumaris: Climate Emergency needs Visionary Leadership: Climate Emergency needs Visionary Leadership: is a side event hosted by Brahma Kumaris Environement Initiaive in the COP26 Blue Zone on Tuesday 9 November. Visionary Leadership is needed from states, the private sector and women. Much investment and development – and new infrastructure – is led by profit motive, and not loka sevanam, nor community sevanam. (Service to the Earth, Service to the Community). A visionary leadership is totally necessary for the future of our planet, the only home we have. Everything in life is a choice. Will leadership make better, more inspired choices for intergenerational justice? Read more, watch the video

Tagore and the Environment: Dr Bashabi Fraser CBE gives this insight into the wisdom of Rabindranath Tagore. Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature but he was also an environmentalist with a global perspective. Rabindranath and his circle’s ecological consciousness is as relevant today as ever. His legacy can be seen in current sustainability policies. Watch the video

Thousands of CatholicsText with strong emphasis joined the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice, which drew upwards of 100,000 people into the streets of Glasgow, Scotland, on Nov. 6, at the midpoint of the COP26 United Nations climate change conference. (Laudato Si’ Movement) Read more here

Food Systems and COP26: The issue of climate change is vital to our world and life as we know it. Through their ministries, Catholic sisters are witnessing the effects of climate change and the impact on people around the world. As such, Global Sisters Report is committed to providing coverage of COP26, the U.N. climate change conference, Here, Beth Blissman of the Loretto Community writes A reflection on food systems at COP26

Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation: Methane, deforestation, and the climate crisis: As 103 countries have formally launched the Global Methane Pledge at COP26 and world leaders have formally promised to end world deforestation by 2030, animal agriculture needs to be formally recognised as one of the leading causes of methane emissions and deforestation if world leaders are serious about limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The discussion considers reduction of farming targets, considerations of agriculture as a leading cause of methane emissions, and the role of the private sector in moving towards more resilient food systems. Watch the video.

Bishops in the Amazon have sent a message – and video – to the world’s leaders at COP26. With the video, the religious, who all live and work in the Amazon region, hope to mobilize society and pressure the Brazilian government and others at COP26 to adopt concrete and urgent measures to protect the rainforest. The pleas came from Brazilian bishops and foreign bishops who live in the Amazon region and want its preservation, like French Bishop Jesús María López Mauleón of Alto Xingu-Tucumã; Italian Bishop Adriano Ciocca Vasino of São Felix; Irish Bishop Derek John Christopher Byrne of Primavera do Leste-Paranatinga; German Bishop Norbert Hans Christoph Foerster of Ji- Paraná; and Polish Bishop Bishop Marek Marian Piatek of Coari. Read more here

Sister Jayanti, European director of Brahma Kumaris
in Pound Lane, has been leading a delegation to the UN climate change conferences since 2009, with the aim of raising the awareness of the connection between consciousness and climate change. Read more here

COP26: A Ritual Space: To have COP26 – the United Nations’ 26th climate change summit – coming to Glasgow is astonishing for those of us who live here. For me personally, the proximity is additionally provocative because the summit will be hosted just a mile away from where I live and wrote my book Riders on the Storm: The Climate Crisis and the Survival of Being. Today, I saw waste ground being manicured in our area. Letter boxes are being washed. And as I started to draft this article, two massive Chinook military helicopters flew low right past my window. The last time I saw those was in 2005, during rehearsals for the G8 summit hosted in Scotland. You could say that they left a sense that “something’s in the air”. But what might be that something?


Talanoa Dialogue at the Garnethill Synagogue, Glasgow, at the commencement of COP26


Tags: Update #15