Creative space

“Climate Change, Consumption & Consciousness” presented by the Brahma Kumaris UK


This seventh series from Powerful Photography features eleven portraits of faith leaders practising within Brent and their quotes on climate change.



Green zone event

Friday, 12th of November, the last day of #COP26Glasgow World Renewal Spiritual Trust, the sister organisation of Brahma Kumaris and Brahma Kumaris with a stand in Green Zone.


Ovaid Sarmad

Virtual meeting of interfaith community with Ovais Sarmad, Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


Stockholm 50

The #Stockholm50 Youth Task Force was launched at #COP26 this week. Its goals are to accelerate action on the #GlobalGoals and strengthening youth involvement, thanks to financing from @nordenen … More about next year’s event here:

Tweet from Faith for the Climate on the Climate Emergency Pact:


Greenfaith at COP

Greenfaith declare concern about the failure of world leaders to deliver real progress at #COP26 and the grave danger this poses to a world already threatened by climate disaster. As people of faith, we must rise up. Today, we urge you to show solidarity with the world’s most vulnerable nations by signing this letter calling for a Glasgow Emergency Pact at COP26


"Ecocide law 'will come faster than expected"

“Ecocide law ‘will come faster than expected”


Christian Aid event at Glasgow Cathedral

Christian Aid event at Glasgow Cathedral


Christian Aid event at Glasgow Cathedral

Rowan Williams at the Christian Aid event at Glasgow Cathedral


Christian Aid event at Glasgow Cathedral

Christian Aid event at Glasgow Cathedral


Christian Aid event at Glasgow Cathedral

Christian Aid event at Glasgow Cathedral


The Edinburgh Women's Interfaith Gathering

The Edinburgh Women’s Interfaith Gathering


Laudato 'si

Laudato ‘si movement says, “Stand with the Pope”

Tags: A Pictorial View of COP – Inside and Outside #5