Where: Scottish Event Campus, SEC, NGO Press Conference room, PC-2 Durdle Door in the East Lomond Suite, Glasgow, Scotland
Special guests Cathy Orlando discusses the topic of Climate Education for a Sustainable Future with Julie Johnston, Paul Beckwith and Regina Valdez.
Cathy Orlando
Cathy Orlando works as Citizens’ Climate International’s Program Director. Wherewith an exceptional team, she creates the framework to empower volunteers to build political will for evidence-based climate action in over sixty countries worldwide.
Julie Johnston
Julie Johnston is a sustainability education coach and consultant with GreenHeart Education, www.greenhearted.org, working with teachers around the world to help them green the heart of education.
Paul Beckwith
Paul is a Climate System Scientist who has taught at the University of Ottawa in the Laboratory for Paleoclimatology, as well as at Carleton University. Paul is a well know climate educator on YouTube with over 1,000 videos pertaining to climate science.
Regina Valdez
Regina is a Climate Reality Program Director, Leader and Mentor based in New York city. She is also a GreenFaith Fellow and a LEED Green Associate.
UNESCO explains Climate Education
Education is crucial to promote climate action. It helps people understand and address the impacts of the climate crisis, empowering them with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to act as agents of change.
The international community recognizes the importance of education and training to address climate change. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Paris Agreement and the associated Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) agenda call on governments to educate, empower and engage all stakeholders and major groups on policies and actions relating to climate change.
Through its Education for Sustainable Development programme, UNESCO has been working to make education a more central and visible part of the international response to climate change.
Acting as a global advocate and aiming to strengthen capacities of governments to provide quality Climate Change Education (CCE), UNESCO produces and shares knowledge, provides policy guidance and technical support to its Member States and implements projects on the ground. UNESCO encourages innovative approaches and enhances non-formal education programmes through media, networking and partnerships.
Climate action is one of the key thematic priority of ‘ESD for 2030’, the Education for Sustainable Development’s global framework for the next 10 years.
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Tags: Climate Education for a Sustainable Future, Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development